
The yzcca88游戏登录网址 is an equal opportunity employer.  It is our policy 和 practice to provide equal opportunity to all employees 和 applicants in our hiring procedures. No person shall be discriminated in employment 项目 和 activities on the basis of race, color, 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄(40岁及以上), 宗教, 信条, 残疾, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, 遗传信息, military enlistment or veteran status. As a federal contractor, the University develops 和 monitors a plan for affirmative outreach 和 other efforts directed at encouraging the participation 和 advancement of historically underrepresented groups. To further these principles, the University maintains an 反歧视行动 plan 和 program 和 provides resources to employees regarding hiring 和 recruitment. 

除了,  the yzcca88游戏登录网址 is committed to our value of Inclusive Excellence which means we continue to build an environment that is welcoming 和 inclusive for every member of our campus community. In these challenging times,  it is imperative that we pay particular attention to safeguard the rights of members of our community 和 instill respect toward all who participate in our academic 和 community 项目. The University is fully committed to access 和 equity to its employment opportunities, 项目, 和服务.

Consistent with federal, 州和地方法律, 和 University policies related to non-discrimination, DU, through the 办公室 平等的机会 & 第九条 (EOIX), takes prompt 和 equitable action in response to reports of:

  • 歧视, Harassment 和 Gender-Based Violence–including pay discrimination–on the basis of race, color, 国家的起源, 祖先, age (40 和 over in an employment context), 宗教, 信条, 残疾, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, 遗传信息, military enlistment or veteran status;
  • 歧视 in violation of the 同工同酬 Act;
  • Sexual 和 gender-based harassment, non-consensual 性ual contact, non-consensual 性ual penetration, 性剥削, dating or domestic violence 和 stalking;
  • Failure to provide reasonable accommodations for 残疾 和 宗教; 和
  • Retaliation against any individual or group of individuals involved in an investigation 和/or resolution of a report of discrimination or harassment.

Update Demographic Information

Confidentially update your demographic information to help us report accurate aggregate demographic data about our community.



Read our 员工招聘指南, designed to promote a fair 和 equitable experience for all applicants 和 provide assistance for everyone involved in the staff hiring process.


政策 & 程序

探索 University policies 和 procedures by year 和 read our infographics 和 institutional assessments.


Find out how we uphold the 同工同酬 Act prohibiting wage discrimination on the basis of 性.

同工同酬 & 薪酬公平
